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Halcyon Newsflash ~ July 2020

Welcome to our quarterly Halcyon Newsflash. I hope you are staying healthy and positive. We are a team driven by passion, service and integrity and will continue to provide guidance, savings solutions and service excellence as we navigate these unprecedented times together…read more.

Halcyon Newsflash ~ April 2020

Welcome to our quarterly Halcyon Newsflash. I hope this email finds you well and in good spirits. South Africa is facing a challenging time and like you, I have had to adjust to a “new normal” but I believe it is our nation’s resiliency and strength of spirit that will enable us to forge ahead and […]

Halcyon Newsflash ~ Sep 2019

It’s officially Spring! The season of growth and change as well as the perfect opportunity to spring clean your insurance and financial portfolio. Reviewing your insurance cover should be an annual activity as life circumstances are constantly changing and this demands that your cover will need to be adjusted as well…read more.

Halcyon Newsflash ~ Jul 2019

At Halcyon we pride ourselves on our solutions. Our team always does their best to ensure clients receive service excellence, from assessing the client’s insurance needs, through to smooth claims procedures and being the shoulder to cry on when unfortunate life events occur…read more

Halcyon Newsflash ~ Dec 2019

Another year has flown by and as 2019 draws to a close I would like to thank all our clients for their valued support. We hope you rest and enjoy time off with family and friends. The end-of-year is the perfect time to escape on a well-deserved holiday. If you are taking a road trip, please […]